About Us


To foster a kind, supportive and empowered fitness community that ‘raises the barre’ for every-body by providing an opportunity to build strength, confidence and connection.

Barre by the Sea Founder: Bev Currier

Growing up on Whidbey Island, Bev spent much of her early life an avid runner and gym enthusiast. It wasn't until moving to the Bay Area in her late twenties that Bev discovered her true love: barre fitness. Bev quickly traded in her gym shoes for grippy socks and began teaching barre classes. Bev was personally trained by the legendary founder of Bar Method, Burr Leonard in the Bay Area in 2006. In 2009, she moved home to Washington State to open the first two barre fitness studios in the Pacific NW where she enthusiastically served the Redmond and South Lake Union communities for over a decade. In 2020 Bev moved to Anacortes and taught exclusively online through the pandemic where she continued to inspire clients to 'raise the barre' in their fitness journey and their lives. Bev has begun a new chapter opening a boutique barre fitness studio at the Majestic Inn & Spa, in a location near and dear to her heart. When Bev is not teaching, she enjoys experiencing live music, laughing with friends and family, watching sunsets and taking long walks by the water in Anacortes with her husband Luke and their dog Happy.